
Python utility for generating certificate

Here is a Python script that generates a certificate with various formats, including JKS and PFX. It also requires JDK and OpenSSL being installed.

#!/usr/local/bin python

Create a certificate with Python.

import urllib, sys, getopt, os, shutil
from M2Crypto import SSL, httpslib
from M2Crypto import RSA, X509, EVP, m2, Rand, Err

keystorepass = 'secret'

def passphrase_callback(v):
return keystorepass

def generateRSAKey():
return RSA.gen_key(1024, m2.RSA_F4)

def makePKey(key):
pkey = EVP.PKey()
return pkey

def makeRequest(pkey, server_dns):
req = X509.Request()
# Seems to default to 0, but we can now set it as well, so just API test
name = X509.X509_Name()
name.CN = server_dns
name.OU = 'My Unit'
name.O = 'My Company'
name.L = 'My City'
name.ST = 'My State'
name.C = 'US'
ext1 = X509.new_extension('Comment', 'Auto Generated')
extstack = X509.X509_Extension_Stack()
req.sign(pkey, 'md5')
return req

def sendRequest(crtreq):
# send to a web service to sign the certificate
return crtresp

def extractCert(crtresp):

crt = ''
# extract crt from the response
return crt

def createJKS(fqdn):

java_home = os.environ['JAVA_HOME']
if java_home is None:
raise 'JAVA_HOME needs to be set.'

# an empty Java keystore
jks_template = 'template.jks'
jksfile = ''.join([fqdn, '.jks'])
certfile = ''.join([fqdn, '.crt'])
keyfile = ''.join([fqdn, '.der'])
shutil.copyfile(jks_template, jksfile)

os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, ''.join([java_home, '/bin/java.exe']), 'java', '-cp', '.', 'KeyStoreImport', jksfile, keystorepass, fqdn, certfile, keyfile, keystorepass)

def createPFX(fqdn):

openssl_home = "c:/tools/openssl"
if openssl_home is None:
raise 'openssl needs to be installed.'

certfile = ''.join([fqdn, '.crt'])
keyfile = ''.join([fqdn, '.key'])
pfxfile = ''.join([fqdn, '.pfx'])
inpass = ":".join(['pass', keystorepass])
outpass = ":".join(['pass', keystorepass])

os.spawnl(os.P_WAIT, ''.join([openssl_home, '/bin/openssl.exe']), 'openssl', 'pkcs12', '-export', '-inkey', keyfile, \
'-in', certfile, '-out', pfxfile, '-passin', inpass, '-passout', outpass)

def moveFiles(fqdn):

if os.path.isdir(fqdn):
shutil.move(''.join([fqdn, '.key']), fqdn)
shutil.move(''.join([fqdn, '.der']), fqdn)
shutil.move(''.join([fqdn, '.crt']), fqdn)
shutil.move(''.join([fqdn, '.jks']), fqdn)
shutil.move(''.join([fqdn, '.pfx']), fqdn)

def makeCert(fqdn):

print '####### Generate RSA Key #######'
rsa = generateRSAKey()
rsa.save_key(''.join([fqdn, '.key']), cipher='aes_256_cbc', callback=passphrase_callback)
rsa.save_key_der(''.join([fqdn, '.der']))

print '####### Generate Pub/Pri Keys #######'
pkey = makePKey(rsa)

print '####### Generate Certificate Request #######'
req = makeRequest(pkey, fqdn)

print '####### Generate Certificate Request PEM #######'
crtreq = req.as_pem()
print '####### Certificate Request #######'
print crtreq
print '####### Certificate Request #######', '\n'

crtresp = sendRequest(crtreq, fqdn)
# print '####### Certificate Response #######'
# print crtresp
# print '####### Certificate Response #######', '\n'
crtfile = open(''.join([fqdn, '.crt']), 'w')

crtfile = open(''.join([fqdn, '.crt']), 'r')
crt = extractCert(crtfile)
print '####### Certificate #######'
print crt
print '####### Certificate #######', '\n'

crtfile = open(''.join([fqdn, '.crt']), 'w')

print '####### Generate JKS #######'

print '####### Generate PFX #######'

print '####### Move Files #######'

print "Certificate generated"

def usage():

print "Usage:"
print "python gencrt.py -n <fqdn>"

if __name__ == '__main__':

opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hn:", ["help", "fqdn="])
except getopt.GetoptError:

fqdn = None
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt in ("-n", "--fqdn"):
fqdn = arg

if fqdn == None:



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